

Quantifying algorithmic discrimination: A two-dimensional approach to fairness in artificial intelligence


Fairness is a foundational pillar in the development of ethical and responsible artificial intelligence. One of the most pressing issues in this conte...read more


Mitigating bias in artificial intelligence: Fair data generation via causal models for transparent and explainable decision-making


In the evolving field of Artificial Intelligence, concerns have arisen about the opacity of certain models and their potential biases. This study aims...read more

Causal modelBias mitigationFairnessResponsible artificial intelligenceBayes
Causal modelBias mitigationFairnessResponsible artificial intelligenceBayes

A Review of Bias and Fairness in Artificial Intelligence


Automating decision systems has led to hidden biases in the use of artificial intelligence (AI). Consequently, explaining these decisions and identify...read more

BiasFairnessResponsible Artificial Intelligence
BiasFairnessResponsible Artificial Intelligence

ISA-bEL: Intelligent Search Algorithm based on Entity Linking


Nowadays, the way in which the people interact with computers has changed. Text- or voice-based interfaces are being widely applied in different indus...read more

Natural Language Processing (NLP)Natural Language Understanding (NLU)Machine Learning Comprehension (MLC)Knowledge Graph (KG)
Natural Language Processing (NLP)Natural Language Understanding (NLU)Machine Learning Comprehension (MLC)Knowledge Graph (KG)

Resilient Arrival Runway Occupancy Time prediction for decision-making tool in Barcelona (LEBL) airport.


When trying to maximise the use of the airport airside, it becomes a key factor for tower Air Traffic Controllers (ATCos) to optimise the runway occup...read more

machine learningAROTNeural Networkpredictionairportcapacitysafety
machine learningAROTNeural Networkpredictionairportcapacitysafety

Hybrid methodology based on Bayesian optimization and GA-PARSIMONY to search for parsimony models by combining hyperparameter optimization and feature selection


This article presents a hybrid methodology that combines Bayesian optimization (BO) with a constrained version of the GA-PARSIMONY method to obtain pa...read more

GA-PARSIMONYBayesian optimizationHyperparameter optimizationParsimonious modelsGenetic algorithm
GA-PARSIMONYBayesian optimizationHyperparameter optimizationParsimonious modelsGenetic algorithm

GAparsimony: An R Package for Searching Parsimonious Models by Combining Hyperparameter Optimization and Feature Selection


Nowadays, there is an increasing interest in automating KDD processes. Thanks to the increasing power and costs reduction of computation devices, the ...read more

GA-PARSIMONYHyperparameter optimizationFeature selectionParsimonious modelGenetic algorithms
GA-PARSIMONYHyperparameter optimizationFeature selectionParsimonious modelGenetic algorithms

Hybrid methodology based on bayesian optimization and ga-parsimony for searching parsimony models by combining hyperparameter optimization and feature selection


This paper presents a hybrid methodology that combines Bayesian Optimization (BO) with a constrained version of the GA-PARSIMONY method to obtain pars...read more

GA-PARSIMONYBayesian optimizationHyperparameter optimizationParsimonious modelsGenetic algorithm
GA-PARSIMONYBayesian optimizationHyperparameter optimizationParsimonious modelsGenetic algorithm